Travel bills

Benefits of using 4human Travel  

Processing a travel expense report manually costs an average of NOK. 213,- while doing it digitally only costs kr. 55,-. By switching to a digital travel expense report system, the processing time will be considerably shorter and the possibility of incorrect registration reduced. You will get:

  • Digitalized travel accounting with everything in one place - per diem, expenses and mileage
  • Full overview of travel expenses for manager and employee
  • Available from mobile and PC
  • Integration with credit cards and most of the market's financial and payroll systems
  • Automatic calculation and checking in relation to rates and content requirements
  • Map and calendar functionality for cars at work
  • Templates for driving routes
  • Updated rates, rules and exchange rates at all times
  • Automatic transfer directly to the payroll system
  • Approval flow at department, company and group level
  • OCR interpretation of expenses
travel expenses

Travel registration and expenses in practice 

  • Enter your name and address
  • Select the date and time of your trip
  • Add purpose and itinerary
  • Add additional information, e.g. hotel, meals and accommodation
  • Register amount
  • Add expenses, receipts and mileage

How 4human Travel works 

At 4human, we've included an easy-to-follow video so you can see how to register expenses and approve mileage reimbursements on the 4human app.

What are travel expenses? 

If employees have an agreement with their employer to be reimbursed for travel expenses, this is registered by submitting a travel expense report to the employer. There are strict requirements for the content of a travel expense report. 4human HRM Travel makes it easy for employees on the go to register travel expenses, expenses and mileage either from mobile or PC.

Requirements for travel expenses

There are strict requirements for the content of a travel expense report. In the event of inadequate information, the recipient risks having to pay tax on the payments.

A travel expense report must contain:  

  • Employee's name, address and signature (possibly by electronic signature)
  • Date and time of departure and return
  • Purpose of the trip
  • Which event the employee has participated in

When claiminga per diem allowancefor overnight stays, the travel invoice must also contain the following:  

  • Name and address of the accommodation. This does not apply when the employee arranges their own accommodation and receives a night supplement - for example, in the case of private accommodation. In the case of multiple accommodations, also the date of the accommodations
  • Type of accommodation by hotel, guest house or private accommodation

In the event of a claim for a car allowance, the travel invoice must also include:  

  • Itinerary with indication of origin and destination, local driving at the assignment site and any reason for detours
  • Total distance driven, e.g. calculated on the basis of the vehicle's odometer at the beginning and end of each business trip, GPS-based electronic logbook or web-based map program
  • Names of passengers for whom a passenger surcharge is required

In the case of reimbursements, the travel invoice must also include: 

  • Receipts for all costs (such as flights, taxis and accommodation)

Some small expenses such as tolls, parking fees, etc. can be applied without requiring a receipt.

Travel bills


Travel has flexible integrations:

Payroll systems: 

  • H&L Salaries
  • Visma payroll
  • Payroll
  • Visma Paga
  • Vivaldi
  • UniMikro maple
  • Xledger
  • SD Worx maple (Aditro maple)
  • Unit4 payroll

Finance/Accounting - Flexible interface for adaptations to different finance and accounting systems.

Credit card - Receipt of credit card transactions from e.g. Eurocard integrated with the expense module in 4humanTravel

Currency - Update of daily exchange rates from DnB

Employee data - Custom integration for handling employee data from payroll systems or 4humanHRM HR solution