


Feature-rich HR integrations

For more than 15 years, good HR integrations have been the DNA of delivering complete HR solutions to our customers. The focus is that data should be registered in one place and once. The integration solution should handle the rest of the flow. We have very good experience of using everything from file-based integrations to API integrations.

HR systems are increasingly being implemented as a master system in companies, which means that, strictly speaking, there are no HRM projects that are not also integration projects. To succeed with a full digitalization of an HRM project, you need to implement smart and efficient solutions for information flow between systems in the company. To succeed in this, integrations are a crucial factor.

All HR vendors today talk about integrations, and support integrations. But integration itself is much more than the word integration. It's crucial that the content in the APIs supports your processes. If one field in an API is missing, it could be the deciding factor in your failure to achieve a seamless flow of data between your systems. And in doing so, you'll lose the effect you want from adopting the new HR solution.

4human has been a pioneer in this market for more than a decade, and our experience is that integrations are complex and need to be taken seriously if you are to ensure a desired effect. Functional APIs are crucial to achieving this.

Furthermore, tailor-made integrations can be offered from our integration team, which has its own development resources. The data transferred is normally personal, organizational and salary information. In addition, there is often a need to transfer data for working hours/work schedules and absence data. Competence data and user information can also be transferred.

Today, 4human HRM has set up integrations with most of our customers regarding payroll and absence systems.

  • Tailor-made integrations
  • Integrate Microsoft Active Directory (AD) with your HR master data solution
  • 20+ years of experience with integrations


Our standard HR integrations

4human HRM has standard integrations with the following systems, among others:

Payroll system

Integration with Payroll

Integration with

Integration with
PowerOffice Go

Integration with
Visma Enterprise Plus

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with
SD Worx

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with
Visma Bluegarden

Integration with
Agda PS

Time and plan system

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with
GAT Soft

Integration with

Integration with

Integration with
Deltek Maconomy

Integration with

E-learning systems

Integration with

  • Entra ID (formerly Azure AD)

4human HRM delivers open API based Swagger on demand