Employee development
Employee development is about ensuring that employees are well prepared and have the right "tools" to perform their work tasks in an efficient and optimal way. The employer's task is to ensure that the employee, the company's most important resource, has access to all the tools in the toolbox, both knowledge-wise and physically.
Employee development is important for attracting new employees and retaining existing ones. Manager and employee should agree on the development plan to achieve the best results.
Employee follow-up should be systematic and regular. By digitizing the process, the company collects all relevant information inthe HR system. The development program can be defined in the HR system and managers are notified when it's time for the next step in the plan. The employee's skills are continuously developed and new learning programs can be assigned to the employee in line with the company's skills needs.
To help managers ensure good employee development, 4human offers, for example, functionality for 1:1 Conversations, appraisals, Skills and learning that can be put together in a defined program.