Salary transparency

Tools for equal pay among employees

Salary transparency refers to the openness of salary information in an organization, where employees have access to information about the salaries of their colleagues or have insight into the salary structure in general.

The new EU Pay Transparency Directive was voted through by a majority in the EU on March 30, 2023, and is a significant step forward in closing the EU's gender pay gap and encompasses almost all regulatory trends at global level in the area of equal pay. All businesses in the EU are required to implement this by June 2026 at the latest. Download the ultimate guide to the Equal Pay Directive for more insights here.

Hear CEO Bjørnar T. Andersen of 4human and Daniel Edenholm, Pay Transparency Expert at Sysarb talk about how to prepare for the EU directive in the Digitalization podcast below.

Equal Pay Directive Podcast


Why use 4human's payroll transparency module?

4human delivers the market's most complete HRM solution. With the pay transparency module, we help you with equal and fair workplaces, where you as an employer must focus on equal pay for equal work. With our pay transparency module, we help make it easier to find systematic pay differences between men and women, and to give employees the right to information about whether they are treated equally or not with their colleagues in the same group/company.


  • Ensuring businesses retain their top talent
  • Increases employee engagement
  • Reduce regulatory and legal risks

Key features of 4human's payroll transparency module in practice

Key features of 4human's payroll transparency module in collaboration with Sysarb are salary mapping, salary auditing, HR experts, job architecture and salary statistics.

Salary mapping

Simple payroll mapping process that streamlines payroll mapping throughout the entire process, from job evaluation to in-depth AI and data-driven analysis, salary comparisons and final reports.

  • Step 1 - Import data via the 4human/Sysarb integration platform
  • Step 2 - Analyze data with Sysarb's AI and statistical analysis
  • Step 3 - Download reports
  • Step 4 - Communicate and improve internal methods

Salary audit

The payroll audit functionality optimizes the audit process and simplifies the entire payroll process and can be customized according to your needs.

All adjustments and changes made in connection with salary mapping and salary revision in Sysarb are transferred back to 4human HRM. This means that all master data is in one place. 

4human HRM communicates directly back to the payroll system when salary adjustments are made in Sysarb.

HR experts

Expert services that guide customers through a journey for fair pay in their businesses with proven methods built up over 20 years. A selection of HR services consists of:

  • Salary mapping
  • Policy and practice
  • Collaboration with trade unions
  • Work assessment and job architecture
  • Salary criteria and performance reviews
  • Salary models and structure

Job architecture

A job architecture framework that enables you to create your own job architecture with transparent career paths that follow the EU Pay Transparency Directive.

Based on the new EU directive on payroll transparency, companies in Europe are required to introduce job architecture to be compliant with the new directive.

Businesses will be required to present pay scales, salary ranges for all job profiles and visible career paths for all employees. This means that standard job evaluations will not be sufficient.

Wage statistics

Market database with comprehensive data from different industries. The database covers skill levels and career paths from different positions. By analyzing and comparing different positions, you can ensure that you offer competitive salaries that attract and retain employees.

The salary statistics feature contains data from over 1 million employees, giving you a competitive advantage when it comes to attracting new talent.

Want to know more?

Contact us today to learn more about the payroll transparency module!