Lonns adjustment

Salary adjustments can be a time-consuming, stressful and challenging process for HR/payroll and managers in a company. In many companies, the process is poorly defined and there are undocumented ad-hoc evaluations, which often makes the process more challenging. In the Payroll Master module, 4human HRM supports HR/payroll and managers in this work, making the process clearer and easier for those who have to perform this job.

Salary data that is adjusted is easily changed in the salary master module and can be automatically transferred to the payroll system. 4human HRM can adapt to the different payroll systems' options for receiving different salary elements.

Examples of what is included in the basic version of the payroll module in 4human HRM:

  • Custom configuration of salary agreements, linked to organization and/or job types
  • Main salary/Supplementary salary/Benefits/Deductions
  • Individual salary
  • Joint agreements on salary or benefits (e.g. fixed management bonuses, insurance, e-kom, etc.)
  • Mass adjustment: proposal for change in amount or percentage rate
  • Salary letter
  • Reports

In an extended version of payroll master in 4humanHRM we support in addition:

  • Collective payroll
  • Salary step with value adjustment
  • Regulation with ladders and steps
  • Collective agreements with direct placement in ladder/step based on salary seniority and proposal for automatic promotion
  • Salary ranges: Job types, job families, occupational codes, etc. (management support for guidance on determining individual salaries)
  • Analyzers
  • Advanced mass adjustment with easy budget impact analysis