
Implementing new IT solutions and using new software in organizations can cause major problems. Our consultants come from companies in different industries and have experience in HR, HR systems or other IT-related software solutions. Our goal is to carry out efficient and successful implementations of our HR services. A successful implementation should enable the customer to manage and develop their own use of the system.

In our experience, the customers who are most successful in implementing a new HR system have secured:

  • Anchoring and involvement in the company's management. Almost a prerequisite
  • Allocate professional resources from their business as responsible or partly responsible for the implementation and further use of the solution
  • Include IT in the tasks that require the involvement of IT
  • Inform and include the organization about what is being implemented
  • Inform employees about the goals you have for the HR solution

According to section 10-3 of the Working Environment Act, such a plan must be drawn up if employees work at different times of the day:

AML, section 10-3 states, among other things: "If the employees work at different times of the day, a work plan shall be drawn up that shows which weeks, days and times the individual employee is to work. The work plan shall be drawn up in cooperation with the employees' elected representatives".

A well-developed shift or rota plan is primarily important for businesses with rota arrangements, where it is important to put in place a common overview for the company so that they take care of the services or productions that the business must deliver. A good shift plan makes it easier for you as a manager to meet the needs of each of your employees and for employees to be aware of their agreed working hours.