HSE & Quality

All businesses should be committed to having a safe workplace and a good working environment. A good strategy is essential to achieve this. In this context, areas of responsibility must be identified and working methods agreed in order to monitor and carry out implementation in a systematic way.

Get input and good advice on how to get an overview of what HSE routines and procedures need to be in place for your business. Documentation, with descriptions of routines and links to laws/regulations with reference options, is normally dealt with in the HSE handbook.

4human HRM can offer assistance in processing the content based on what applies to your business:

- Are you required to have a safety representative, and what are the safety representative's tasks?
- Are you required to have a Working Environment Committee?
- How do you carry out mapping of the working environment?
- Have you defined HSE objectives with an associated action plan?
- Get assistance in setting up an HSE Annual Wheel with activities adapted to your business

We help you with the following features and services:

- Checklists (e.g. Safe Job Analysis, SJA, safety rounds, etc.)
- Deviations/incidents
- An outline of the company's structure and organization of responsibility roles
- A future work plan of the company's most important tasks and projects
- Specific description of measures for any risk work
- Plan of how the company can reduce risk conditions