10 reasons why you should integrate an HR and payroll system

hr and payroll integration

Why you should integrate HR and payroll

Have you considered integrating an HR and payroll system - and maybe even multiple systems? Here are ten good reasons to do just that:

Avoid duplication of work

Integrations simplify the employee journey from preboarding/onboarding to offboarding by including employee information from earlier steps in the process, avoiding duplication of effort.

Ensure consistent data in different systems

Integrations make it easier to update employee data because the master data ("the fact") is stored in one place. When the master data is updated, it is automatically updated elsewhere too. This avoids data being stored differently in different systems.

A summary

When the data is the same in both the HR and payroll systems, it is easier to keep control of the data and there is no uncertainty about which of the data is correct.

Get help with GDPR

Integrations between the HR system and Payroll make it easier to comply with GDPR regulations in relation to deletion, because when someone leaves, you are notified of this in both systems.

Free up time for the important tasks

Integrated and digitized systems mean less time is spent on administration, freeing up time for employees, managers, HR and Payroll.

Involve your employees in a simple way

The employee portal in the HR system allows employees to see information in the HR system that is also in the payroll system when these are integrated, and together with documentation such as employment contracts and performance reviews, this provides a better overview for employees.

Make managers and employees accountable

When the HR and payroll systems are integrated, it allows for more delegation, division of responsibility and, not least, accountability, because different stakeholders (employees, managers, HR, payroll) can process and approve their part of the data.

Get control of absenteeism, travel invoices and expenses

It's easier to manage time registrations (including overtime and shift supplements), absence (sick leave, vacation, leave) and expenses/reimbursements (such as travel reimbursements, supply purchases and travel invoices) when the employee can look up/register these themselves, the manager can approve and they are automatically transferred to payroll.

Better reports and analytics

Integrations open up the possibility of better reports and analysis between the HR and payroll systems.

One login to all systems (SSO)

If you want integrations to several different systems, integration between payroll and HR is often a logical first step, and you can integrate with AD (Active Directory) so that you have the same login/Single Sign-On (SSO) in several systems.

Still not convinced? You are welcome to contact us for a good professional discussion. Visma and 4human Both have extensive experience with integrations between payroll and HR. Contact us and we will help you map out your needs and, if desired, provide further assistance.

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