Deviation management

Why use a deviation system?

The purpose of a deviation management system is to make the process easier for you when registering and handling various incidents that occur in your business. A good deviation system will also make the work of following up incidents more efficient.

A complete event module

With TQM Enterprise, you get a modern and complete deviation system for registration, processing and follow-up of deviations for your workplace. The system has the functionality to work with all types of incidents; deviations, near misses and improvement proposals.

Our goal is to simplify your workday. We help you achieve this through user-friendly registration, efficient processing, notification options and good graphical reports.


Good reporting possibilities

With TQM Enterprise, you get clear and structured reports. This is an important part of your improvement work - reports and statistics easily show you which types of events are recurring.

Through the use of measurement parameters, it is easy for the customer to retrieve statistics on the parameters that are important to have good control over.

Each user can also create their own selections for reports they need in their everyday work.

Reports can be opened directly in TQM Enterprise, or exported to Excel.

In addition to identifying areas for improvement, the tool also supports you in documenting costs - and savings.

Integrates with other modules

The non-conformance system can be delivered as a stand-alone module or as an integrated part of a complete management system. As part of TQM Enterprise, incidents and actions in the non-conformity module can be linked to elements in the risk module, procedures, documents or other.

For example, if you discover a deviation during a safety round, you will be able to register this directly. The deviation from the safety round will become part of the report basis in the deviation system.

Read about our customer's experience with our deviation system.

Tailored for you as a user

Another important step in ensuring a simplified working day for our customers is that we offer a deviation system that can be adapted to their needs.

Among other things, it is easy to customize what you want to be reported in a deviation registration. The customer also has the opportunity to customize the case management process.

If you also use the TQM App, registration can be further simplified for mobile users.

User-friendly deviation system

In the TQM event module, menus and search functionality provide a good overview, so you can quickly find the information you're looking for.

When setting up, it is possible for the customer to add help texts, making it even easier for the reporter to report correct information to the case manager.

Non-conformity management in a corporate structure

For customers who want this, reports from the non-conformity system can also be retrieved collectively for the entire group. Having everything gathered in this way saves a lot of time when setting up complete reports.

External reporting of deviations

For many companies, customer follow-up is an important part of their improvement work. The non-conformity module we offer supports the reporting of various types of incidents. We already have customers who use this as a reporting channel for customer complaints and improvement suggestions, for example.

The external reports become part of the report basis in the deviation system.

Non-conformance system that meets the requirements of ISO 9001

One of the most important requirements in ISO 9001 is to be able to document measures in the work processes, as well as express the effect of the measures. This is standard functionality in our deviation module.

Why is good non-conformity management important?

Focusing on the work with non-conformities in your business helps to prevent recurring undesirable situations. An important point is of course also to be able to ensure safety in the workplace for your employees.

In addition to the system, 4human TQM has the opportunity to provide professional support for those of you who want to put in place processes for good deviation management - and continuous improvement.