Simplify and streamline operations in the aquaculture industry
To effectively meet the challenges facing the aquaculture industry, a good quality management system is essential to create structure, improve workflow and ensure that key processes and documents are easily accessible. The key is to simplify the workday through clear process descriptions and overviews.
Here's how a good system can improve operations:
Easy overview of documents: With an integrated solution, documents can be retrieved and delivered efficiently between different parts of the organization. This provides a better flow and process overview, especially in three main areas: management, support functions and purchasing/maintenance. The system also clarifies who is responsible for which tasks, so that no part of the organization is overlooked.
Environmental impact and sustainability: A paperless system can help reduce your environmental impact while meeting sustainability requirements. With integrated tools to manage data related to the environment and sustainability, you can also more easily meet regulatory requirements.
Compliance with requirements: The quality management system helps you keep track of food safety and global gap standards. This is crucial to ensure that your business meets the documentation requirements, which also has a direct impact on the needs of the fishing industry.
Simplify and improve everyday life: The system can help improve routines by making it easier to record and follow up on temperatures, fish health and other observations. All this is done manually, but with a system that gives you an event module to record and follow up on events - not necessarily deviations, but important observations that require follow-up. This provides a holistic picture without creating unnecessary complex processes.
Offline functionality: The app linked to the system can also be used offline, which is crucial in areas without coverage. This provides flexibility and continuity of work, wherever you are.
By using a quality management system that simplifies work processes without focusing on automation, your business can improve the flow of resources, maintain environmentally friendly initiatives, and ensure that all requirements and certifications are met. This makes decision-making easier and ensures that everything is met according to the requirements set.
Download our guide: How to streamline and simplify operations in the aquaculture industry with a quality management system
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