Food safety ISO 22000

We in 4human QM365 still believes that one system is better than many. That's why our system now includes functionality where you can also manage your business's work with ISO 22000 food safety - along with your other management needs.
Safe food production with HACCP
Most companies involved in food production take potential health hazards very seriously. ISO 22000 helps with an extra check for weak points in the production line.
An important part of the food safety standard is HACCP. HACCP can be compared to a traditional risk analysis, but has a slightly different approach to what should be risk assessed.
How to solve 4human QM365 this?
Once the type of control measure has been defined, work on creating measures to find, implement and verify relevant CCP/OPRP per food safety hazard.
Advisor within food safety
We want our customers to have a living management system. Our working methodology ensures that it is your business that is reflected in your system while you receive thorough training in the system.
Do you want to know more? Get in touch with us today!
What is HACCP?
How to implement HACCP?
- Identifying potential hazards
- Conduct a hazard analysis to determine what type of management action is required
- CCP - critical control point (critical limit)
- OPRP - operational prerequisite (action criteria)
- Identify places where control is needed - critical control points
- Establish acceptable limits for each individual point
- Carry out monitoring for control of the points
- Take corrective action if the point exceeds the acceptable limit
- Evaluation and verification of food safety, check that points 1-6 are working effectively
- Documentation and logging showing that points 1-7 are fulfilled